AlignRT® and Prostate Treatments

Increase treatment accuracy and patient comfort during radiation therapy

For treatment of the prostate, AlignRT offers unparalleled precision and patient-centric care. By utilizing real-time monitoring technology, AlignRT’s non-invasive approach enhances treatment efficacy by ensuring accurate positioning and alignment during treatment. Correct patient positioning minimizes the risk of damaging healthy tissue surrounding the prostate, reducing potential side effects and leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life for patients. With its ability to precisely track patient movements and provide instant feedback to clinicians, AlignRT offers peace of mind for both patients and healthcare providers, making it an essential component in the comprehensive management of prostate cancer.

Postural Video™, a ground-breaking module from Vision RT, provides clear positional guidance in real time, making setup & corrections even faster. Combining this with ‘send to’ couch functionality, streamlines setup even more.

Time Savings with AlignRT

Across a cohort of five cancer centers, the implementation of AlignRT resulted in a 50% setup and treatment time reduction across a range of cases, including prostate and breast.

SGRT reduction of repeat CBCTs for prostate patients

Source: Ashley Towers, RT(T), Radiation Oncology Supervisor, Wake Forest Baptist Health, High Point NC “Effectiveness of SGRT to Reduce the Rate of Repeat CBCTs for Prostate Patients” SGRT UA 2022 

The benefits of Prostate treatment with AlignRT

Radiation Therapy is commonly used for the treatment of prostate cancer which makes up a high volume of the department workload. Ensuring a safe and efficient treatment is key to providing excellent patient experience while also optimizing efficiencies.  


Set-up for prostate radiation therapy can be challenging and time consuming. Prostate patients are treated with a full bladder, so speed (without sacrificing accuracy) is a critical factor.  Customer data shows a 53% reduction in treatment times.¹

Less Repeat Imaging

Combining the use of AlignRT with daily gold standard IGRT gives better imaging results from the first time, supporting a potential reduction in concomitant dose.  The advanced set up with AlignRT has eliminated repeat imaging in 66% of prostate cases.²

Tattoo & mark-free

Radiotherapy tattoos & other markers can shift or distort over time, leading to inaccuracies in treatment delivery. They also cause emotional distress for patients, serving as constant reminders of their illness. AlignRT gives precision, without the need for tattoos or marks. No more “splitting the difference.”


Another benefit of using AlignRT for prostate treatments is the reimbursement options, which can help clinics ease the financial burden for patients & healthcare providers. AlignRT allows you to capture an additional code for everyday treatments, including charging for SGRT with IMRT, IGRT, 3D-CRT, and SRT, in many cases.

Vision RT partners with ReveLution, a revenue cycle company, to provide you with 1:1 consults and audits to help you maximize your SGRT reimbursement opportunity. To request a Proforma AlignRT SGRT Analysis Summary email us at

AlignRT also allows clinics to differentiate themselves from competitors by highlighting their offer of the option for tattoo and mark-free treatments. The website connects providers with patients.

Hear from users on their clinical experiences:

“We were thrilled to find that incorporating SGRT into the prostate patient setup process reduced reimaging rates and therefore reduced the amount of time our patients had to maintain a full bladder.”

Stephanie Parker, MS, FAAPM
Medical Physicist

Suzanne Coupland

Suzanne Coupland
Advanced Imaging Lead Radiographer
Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Scotland

“With the introduction of the postural module, we have now started to use AlignRT to set up our pelvis patients. It has been a tremendous help in reducing the pitch and rotations prior to imaging. We are seeing an improvement in our CBCT data as a result.”

“AlignRT has certainly helped reduce the pitch and roll in our pelvis patients as well as reducing the number of CBCT’s required per patient. This means a reduction of dose and time in the room for the patient.”

Catherine Russell
Assistant RT Manager
Alfred Health Radiation Oncology Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Ready to find out more about prostate treatments with AlignRT?

Contact us today to learn more about how AlignRT can elevate your patient care and treatment accuracy.

Whether you’re just looking to find out more about SGRT, or would like a quote, we’d love to hear from you. 


  1. Ashley Towers, US SGRT Annual Meeting 2022​
  2. Amy Shaw, University Hospitals Southampton, European SGRT Meeting, 2022​

Further information: 

Qubala, A., Schwahofer, A., Jersemann, S., Eskandarian, S., Harrabi, S., Naumann, P., Winter, M., Ellerbrock, M., Shafee, J., Abtehi, S., Herfarth, K., Debus, J. and Jäkel, O. (2023). Optimizing the Patient Positioning Workflow of Patients with Pelvis, Limb, and Chest/Spine Tumors at an Ion-Beam Gantry based on Optical Surface Guidance. Advances in Radiation Oncology, [online] 8(2), p.101105. doi: ACCESS PAPER

Apicella, G., Loi, G., Torrente, S., Crespi, S., Beldì, D., Brambilla, M. and Krengli, M. (2016). Three-dimensional surface imaging for detection of intra-fraction setup variations during radiotherapy of pelvic tumors. La Radiologia Medica, [online] 121(10), pp.805–810. doi: ACCESS PAPER

Krengli, M., Loi, G., Pisani, C., Beldì, D., Apicella, G., Amisano, V. and Brambilla, M. (2016). Three-dimensional surface and ultrasound imaging for daily IGRT of prostate cancer. Radiation Oncology, 11(1). doi: ACCESS PAPER